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Training Module 3: Sharing The Results

A self-guided clinical training series focused on helping clinicians get the most out of their measurement-informed care practice

Updated over 11 months ago

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0:01 Hello and welcome. My name is Mona Barman and I'm a licensed clinical psychologist and the clinical implementation lead here at Blueprint.

0:09 In the previous training module, we started diving in into how to implement measurement-based care starting with step one. Collecting the assessment data.

0:19 Today we're going to focus on step two. Sharing the results with our clients. That being stated, I have shared this model before the Collect, Share, and Act model of implementing measurement-based care.

0:32 Today we're going to focus on the share part. This is again involves reviewing the assessment results and discussing it with your clients.

0:42 Let's start off by figuring out where you can review the results for the assessments that your client. It's complete on blueprint.

0:50 I know here I've got some screenshots, but I'm going to go ahead and jump into our blueprint demo account with our demo patient, John Appleseed, and show you all where you can review assessment results.

1:03 Under John Appleseed, John's profile, I can click on the summary tab, and if I scroll down, what I will see is a graph of all of the assessment measures I've given John over time.

1:18 So you see here that the PCL5 measuring trauma is in the dark blue, the PHQ9 measuring depression in the light blue, and I can take my mouse and hover over any of the points, and what you'll see for that point in time is the score, how it compares to the previous time, and even the baseline.

1:39 If I wanted a more detailed view of John's item level responses, I can click, and it'll open up the actual item level responses that John answered.

1:51 So this is for the PCL5 for trauma. I can select which assessment I want to view up here, and I can select the date and time of the assessment on this column.

2:03 The other thing that you'll be able to see, so let's go ahead and select, for example, the PHQ-9. One thing I can see is not only the score for each individual item, but also how those scores for each item have changed since the last time and the baseline.

2:19 So you can look at that. You can also click and organize it to see how those scores have changed. Have changed from least changed to most changed over time.

2:32 The other thing that I'll note on the summary page in addition to reviewing results that way is just a nice little function here.

2:40 Here's this copy results button. It's going to give you a lovely documentation snippet of the most recent assessment scores, whether they fall in the clinical range or not, and how they compare to the previous score in the baseline.

2:53 You can simply hit copy results, open up your progress note in whatever _____ _____ electronic health record system you're using, and then pull up your progress note and copy and paste it right into your note.

3:07 It just saves time and documentation. So now that you've reviewed the assessment results, let's go ahead and _____ _____ _____ talk about what you do with it.

3:18 And the next step here is to talk to your clients about their assessment results, each time after they've completed it, and you've reviewed it.

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