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Life Stressor Checklist - Revised (LSC-R)
Updated over 10 months ago

Brief Description

The Life Stressor Checklist – Revised (LSC-R) is a self-report checklist used to assess stressful or traumatic life events. The measure includes questions about events such as experiencing natural disasters or assault.

Assessment Administration Type

Adult Self-Report

Number of questions


Age Range for Administration


Recommended Frequency of Administration


Summary of Scoring and Interpretations

The measure is scored by giving a point to each positively endorsed stressor and summing the points. The scores range from 0-30.

Blueprint Adjustments

Blueprint has adjusted this measure to include only the checklist of stressors with “Yes” or “No” options. The original revised measure also includes questions about the respondent’s age at the time of the event as well the event’s impact on their life.

Clinical Considerations

  • Estimated completion time: 5-10 minutes

  • Note: the LSC-R is a helpful starting point for identifying stressors that might have been traumatic in nature. It is important to use a thorough clinical evaluation to determine if, or how, the endorsed events might have impacted the client.


Adapted from Wolfe, J., Kimerling, R., Brown, P., Chrestman, K., & Levin, K. (1997). The Life Stressor Checklist-Revised (LSC-R) [Measurement instrument]. Available from

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