Focus Area: Therapeutic Alliance
Overview: The Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) measures three important aspects of the therapeutic alliance: 1. Agreement about the therapeutic tasks, 2. Agreement about the therapeutic goals, and 3. The affective bond between clinician and client.
Total number of items: 12
Administration: Self-report
Standardized cadence: Every other month
Estimated completion time:
Supported subscales: 1. Tasks of therapy, 2. Goals of therapy, and 3. Affective bond
Age range: Adult
Scoring and interpretation: Add up the total score and track over time. For the subscales, Task items are #1, 2, 10, and 12, Goal items are #4, 6, 8, 11, and Bond items are #3, 5, 7, 9. Add up the totals for these specific questions to find the score for each subscale.
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