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Sessions: Overview
Sessions: Overview

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Updated over 5 months ago

In this article we'll discuss what Blueprint Sessions are and how they are intended to help guide your live sessions with clients.

Click any of the index links below to jump ahead!



Who can run a Blueprint Session?

✅ Clinician: Can run a Blueprint Session with their own clients.

✅ Supervisor: Can run a Blueprint Session with any client.

Biller: Billing roles alone do not have access Blueprint Sessions.

✅ Admin: Can run a Blueprint Session with to any client.

What are Blueprint Sessions?

Blueprint Sessions are intended to help you run your client's therapy sessions in blueprint in a format that loosely follows the natural course of a therapy session (i.e., starting with a check-in and ending with a plan for next session).

Specifically, Blueprint Sessions takes in the data you are already used to collecting from your clients - assessments and worksheets - and presents it in more of an intuitive format for you to review live in session with your clients.

Not only will this help you more easily integrate Blueprint data into your sessions, but running a session in Blueprint will produce a series of documentation snippets that you can copy and paste into your EHR as needed. This way, you can spend less time on documentation and more time planning for your next session!

The 5 Components of a Blueprint Session

  1. Check-in

    This section gives you quick insight into what you might want to talk about early on in the session with your client. It contains:

    • A visual diagram on how that client has been checking in on their mood, energy, sleep, and social connectedness over the last week.

    • The results of any Assessments the client (or their Participants) has completed in the last week.

  2. Recap Last Session

    Here you will be able to review any Interventions completed with your client in their last Blueprint Session, which can be helpful to review and reinforce any topics or skills that were covered in the previous Blueprint Session. This will also show your personal Psychotherapy Note from the previous session, where you can reference personal notes that you wrote to yourself.

    💡 For more information on Interventions, check out: Overview: Interventions

  3. Review Homework

    This section will contain any Worksheets your client has completed since their last Blueprint Session, in sequential order based on time of completion.

  4. Deliver Interventions

    Acting as the meat of the Blueprint Session, this is where you'll document and deliver Interventions with your client. These Interventions could include guided in-session activities, non-guided activities, or simply talking points for the subjects related to your client's care.

    💡 It's important that you mark all interventions completed during the session, whether they were completed on Blueprint or not, so that you can get the most accurate documentation snippet for your progress notes when your Blueprint Session is complete.

  5. Plan for Next Session

    Based on the work you did in this session, if there are additional Worksheets you'd like to assign to the client as Homework or Interventions you plan to deliver in their next session, you can add those here.

  6. The Psychotherapy Note.

    The Psychotherapy Note a space to jot down any notes for yourself as a session is going on. It's best to think of it as a notepad; it's not formal documentation, but instead quick reminders for yourself which you can look back on at anytime. It is only accessible by navigating back to this Blueprint Session, clients do not have access to it.


  1. Q: Is the Psychotherapy Note visible to clients or included in the documentation snippets for the session?

    A: No, the Psychotherapy Note is not visible to clients and will not be included in any auto-generated documentation snippets besides the one labeled Psychotherapy Note.

  2. Q: Can I view and copy progress note text from past Sessions?

    A: Yes, you can do all documentation at the end of the week in the client's Sessions tab.

  3. Q: Can I see or assign Symptom Tracker Check-ins in a Session?

    A: No, currently Symptom Tracker Check-ins results do not appear in a Blueprint Session and cannot be assigned from a Blueprint Session directly. Only Worksheet and the Lifestyle Correlate Check-in results appear.

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