Brief Description
The Daily Living Activities–20 (DLA-20) Clinician-Report is an assessment that evaluates 20 domains of daily living affected by mental illness or disability. Examples of domains include Health Practices, Safety, Problem Solving, and Coping Skills. Using observation and the client’s self-report, clinicians rate clients’ management of activities of daily living (ADLs) in each domain (e.g., “Uses options for coping, preventing relapse, restoring feelings of self-worth, competence, and being in control.”) over the past 30 days on a scale from 1 to 7. This assessment of the clinician’s perceptions of the client’s functioning and well-being is ideally used in conjunction with the DLA–20 Self-Report to support important clinical dialogue about progress, goals, and treatment planning.
Assessment Administration Type
Clinician Report
Number of questions
Age Range for Administration
Recommended Frequency of Administration
Monthly, or as clinically indicated.
Summary of Scoring and Interpretations
The DLA-20 Clinician Report is scored on a 7-point Likert scale from 1 (“Extremely severe functional impairments- pervasive supports”) to 7 (“WNL/ Strength
Optimal independence- no support”). The composite score is calculated by summing all item scores and dividing by the number of activities rated. Composite scores can be interpreted using the following classifications:
Composite Score | Interpretation |
> 6.0 | Adequate Independence, no significant to slight impairment in functioning |
5.1- 6.0 | Mild impairments, minimal interruptions in recovery |
4.1- 5.0 | Moderate impairment in functioning |
3.1- 4.0 | Serious impairments in functioning |
2.1- 3.0 | Severe impairments in functioning |
< 2.0 | Extremely severe impairments in functioning |
Individual item responses of 3 (“Serious functional impairments-continuous supports”) or less indicate an area that could require further assessment.
The scores can be used in conjunction with the DLA-20 Self-Report to identify similarities and differences between client and clinician perceptions of domains of strength and weakness.
Blueprint Adjustments
Blueprint displays the composite score to two decimal points, however you should round to the nearest tenth to accurately interpret the composite score.
Clinical Considerations
Estimated completion time: 10 minutes.
Ideally, the DLA-20 Clinician-Report is used in conjunction with the DLA-20 Self-Report to assess provider-client alignment and misalignment on daily functioning, strengths, and areas for growth.
Scott, R. L., & Presmanes, W. S. (2001). Reliability and validity of the daily living activities scale: A functional assessment measure for severe mental disorders. Research on Social Work Practice, 11(3), 373–389.
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