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Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory - Short (MPFI-S)
Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory - Short (MPFI-S)
Updated over 5 months ago

Brief Description

The Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory - Short (MPFI-S) is a 24-item assessment designed to measure both psychological flexibility and inflexibility across several key areas. Psychological flexibility refers to the ability to adapt to challenging situations, stay present, and act according to personal values, even when experiencing difficult emotions or thoughts. In the first 12 items of the tool, respondents identify how often they engage in psychological flexibility through the subscales of acceptance, present moment awareness, self as context, defusion, values, and committed action (e.g., “I was receptive to observing unpleasant thoughts and feelings without interfering with them”). In the last 12 items, respondents identify how often they engage in psychological inflexibility through the subscales of experiential avoidance, lack of contact with the present moment, self as content, fusion, lack of contact with values, and inaction, (e.g., “I did most things on "automatic" with little awareness of what I was doing”). Responses for all items range from “Never true” (1) to “Always true” (6). This tool is commonly used in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and is particularly useful for therapists, counselors, and coaches who need a quick, reliable way to track psychological flexibility and monitor patient progress.

Assessment Administration Type


Number of questions


Age Range for Administration


Recommended Frequency of Administration

Every two weeks

Summary of Scoring and Interpretations

Item responses are rated on a scale of 1 (“Never true”) to 6 (“Always true”). The measure is divided into six subscale as follows:

Psychological Flexibility


Corresponding Items


1, 2

Present moment awareness

3, 4

Self as context

5, 6


7, 8


9, 10

Committed action

11, 12

Psychological Inflexibility


Corresponding Items


13, 14

Lack of contact with the present moment

15, 16

Self as content

17, 18


19, 20

Lack of contact with values

21, 22


23, 24

The MPFI-S can be scored to find the composite score of each subscale and a global composite score of the Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Inflexibility domains.

To find the composite score of each subscale, sum the responses of the items on each subscale and divide by 2 (i.e., the average).

Calculate the global composite score for Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Inflexibility by summing the responses for all items in the chosen domain (using the table above), and dividing the total by 12.

In both the subscale composite score and the global composite score, higher scores reflect higher levels of the trait being measured. These scores help ACT clinicians identify areas where individuals may need further support to enhance psychological flexibility and guide treatment planning.

Blueprint Adjustments

One limitation of the Blueprint scoring software is that it requires a total score to be calculated and shown. The total score in the MPFI-S is irrelevant and should not be considered when interpreting the measure.

Blueprint provides average global composite scores for the domains of Global Flexibility and Global Inflexibility and the composite scores for each subscale all as individual subscale scores.

Clinical Considerations

  • Estimated time for completion: 6-12 minutes


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