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Friedman Spiritual Awakening Scale (FSAS)
Updated over a year ago

Focus Area: Spiritual Awakening

Overview: The Friedman Spiritual Awakening Scale measures dimensions of spiritual awakening such as an awareness of ones true nature; general spirituality; an awareness of a higher power that inspires ones actions; a general sense of awareness and inclusion of all things; a sense of inner and unfolding perfection as well as love, empathy and compassion.

Total number of items: 18

Administration: Self-report

Standardized cadence: Weekly

Supported subscales:

1. True Nature (Questions 1 – 3)

2. Spirituality (Questions 4 – 6)

3. Higher Power / Inspired Action (Questions 7 – 9)

4. Awareness/Inclusion (Questions 10 – 12)

5. Perfection/Inner Unfolding (Questions 13-15)

6. Compassion, Empathy, Love (Questions 16-18)

Age range: Adult

Scoring and interpretation: Answers are scored on a 6-point Likert scale from 0 to 5 with 0 for "Not at all" and 5 for "A great deal." Scores are summed and total scores range from 0 to 90. Higher scores are associated with higher spiritual awakening.

In addition, there are 6 subscales and scores can be found by summing the scores from the answers for each subscale.

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