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Transgender Congruence Scale (TCS)
Updated over 2 months ago

Brief Description

The Transgender Congruence Scale (TCS) is a self-report assessment designed to measure how comfortable and authentic transgender individuals feel about their gender identity and appearance. The scale includes 12 items, divided into two subscales: Appearance Congruence and Gender Identity Acceptance. An example question on the tool is, “My physical appearance adequately expresses my gender identity.” Response options range from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.” The TCS is helpful as a clinical tool for understanding how well a transgender individual's outward appearance aligns with their internal sense of gender.

Assessment Administration Type


Number of questions


Age Range for Administration


Recommended Frequency of Administration

Every two weeks

Summary of Scoring and Interpretations

Responses are provided on a scale of 1 (“Strongly disagree”) to 5 (“Strongly agree”). Items 6, 8, and 10 are reverse scored. The total score is an average score of all 12 items (i.e., summing all items and dividing by 12). The assessment also has two subscales (see table below). Subscale scores are also average scores of the corresponding items. For both the total and subscale scores, higher scores indicate a greater sense of congruence between a person’s appearance and gender identity.


Corresponding Items

Appearance Congruence

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Gender Identity Acceptance

10, 11, 12

Blueprint Adjustments


Clinical Considerations

  • Estimated time for completion: 3-5 minutes

  • The initial validation study showed that higher TCS scores were…

    • positively associated with life satisfaction and a sense of life meaning

    • negatively associated with anxiety, depression, and body dissatisfaction

    • not related to social desirability or the search for life’s meaning


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