User Management in Blueprint
Now you can see a list of all of the users in your Blueprint account and, if you have admin-level permissions, add new users, remove users, and edit user roles.
Where can I find the Users page?
Click on your name in the top right corner of the navigation bar and select Users from the drop down menu.
How do I add a User?
In order to add Users, you need Admin or Supervisor permissions.
Scroll down and find the blue "Add User" button (pictured below) located at the bottom of the page beneath the list of users. If you have more than 5 users, you may need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find it.
Enter the User's first name, last name, and email address and select their role and then press the blue Create User button!
What do the different roles mean?
There are three different roles in the Blueprint system: Clinician, Supervisor, and Admin. Each user can have multiple roles if needed. For example, if a Supervisor or Admin also sees clients, they will need the Clinician role checked as well.
Clinician: Can access their own clients and reports.
Supervisor: Can access all clients and reports across clinic.
Admin: Can make clinic-level decisions and configure account settings.
How do I edit a User?
In order to edit Users, you need Admin permissions.
Select any User from the list. You can click anywhere in the row to select them. When you click, the Edit user window will appear where you can edit first name, last name, email, or role.
How do I remove a User?
In order to remove Users, you need Admin permissions.
Similar to editing users, select any User from the list. You can click anywhere in the row to select them. When you click, the Edit user window will appear. In the bottom right is the Delete User button (pictured below).
*Make sure to transfer any clients currently assigned to the user you want to delete. If there are any clients currently assigned to the user, a screen will pop up prompting you to reassign the clients to another user. See below for a picture.